circad | circRNAs associated with diseases
CircRNA circ_0000190
 Genome Locusn/aBuildhg19
 DiseaseMultiple MyelomaICD-10 Multiple myeloma (C90.0)
 DBLinkLink to databasePMID30728056
 Experimental Method
 Sample TypePeripheral blood samplesComparisonAll bone marrow tissues and peripheral blood specimens were obtained from patients pathologically and clinically diagnosed as MM or normal people (volunteers)
 Method for EstimationQuantitative PCRPCR Details




StatisticsFold Change : Downregulated
pvalue : p<0.05
Feng, Y, Zhang, L, Wu, J, Khadka, B, Fang, Z, Gu, J, Tang, B, Xiao, R, Pan, G, Liu, J (2019). CircRNA circ_0000190 inhibits the progression of multiple myeloma through modulating miR-767-5p/MAPK4 pathway. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res., 38, 1:54.